The Client
Putnam Investments is a privately held firm that specializes in offering actively managed funds. They also provide services for investors, advisors and financial professionals.
The Project
Putnam tasked me with creating a 1 minute promo video showcasing Fundvisualizer®, a tool tailored for advisors. Putnam wanted a quick and easy way to highlight some of the key functionalities of the app. Everything from ideation, storyboarding, script writing and recording was done completely in house. It was fun being a part of each stage in the whole process.
Software Used
Adobe Audition for creating initial scratch tracks that I could record and use for pacing of the animation. I also used Audition to edit the final Voice Over.
Adobe Photoshop to create, edit and prepare imagery for animation.
Adobe Illustrator was primarily used for recreating some of the graphs and charts
Adobe After Effects brought everything together for rough cuts, animation demos and final output.

The Creative
Below are the initial frames of the storyboard. We ended up changing some of the frames once we got into the animation.

The Final Video
After a couple of rounds of animation reviews and edits to the audio track, this is where we landed.